Friday, October 29, 2010


Apologies for not posting in a while, I guess had nothing to share my semi philosophical perceptions of society etc to share with anyone. Until now. Allow me to share a quote
“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

Said quote is provided by a certain George Washington. What I believe Mr Washington is trying to say is if you conduct yourselves in a way deemed by the government, you reap the rewards. True my perception may seem quite cynical, however I've think I mentioned before how society is nothing more than a collaborations of opinions.

I'm sure if you asked certain residents of the ol' USA if they felt a sense of community, some may disagree. Then again ask people of our country more may disagree, the general consensus being that people don't talk anymore. And thus when you pass someone in the street you are more likely to be scared of them then talk to them. The reason for this?

It'd be unwise for me to say my reason as the alpha and omega, but i can't but think and believe it's truth. The reason I think there is a lack of community is the size of everything. Supermarkets are getting bigger and bigger, populations are getting bigger, and media is getting bigger. And in my Jerry McGuire style of thinking the only way to build community is to build friendships, and I'm afraid friendships aren't built with everybody being told their the same.

Business profits hugely on bigger things, bigger stocks, bigger sales, bigger profits, however in this fast sale, fast lifestyle mode of living is their ever any time for people to care about every individual person they pass? And to a degree why should they? However the only way i see that we can establish community again is in small circumstances and groups. And however nieve as this may sound, but to actually start caring again on human levels to each and every person. Why again some may ask?

Why not I argue, however if that is truly your view that there is no need to view each and every person on a human level, and not a statistic, then I would argue you wouldn't care about community at all.

Stay Golden.

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