Saturday, August 7, 2010


I genuinelly cannot think of any way to start my blog, my name will suffice, names are unusual. It's an identity that's given to you although you seem to grow into it, you always link say the name Melissa (not a real person i've met) with a girl you've met in your childhood, and your experiences thus so with that person, say if i were to meet another Melissa my mind would of been drawn to certain incidents involving glue and hijacking my ballon egyptian mask i made, and the vandalism of it. Bitch.

See thats the point though, even when i meet a Melissa my mind will immediatly me put at an immediate grudge purely based on other girls named Melissa i've met, anyhow.

My name's Benedict, so that's kinda unique i spose, aside from the pope, but i swear thats not his real name, so i had it before. HA!

My full name is Benedict Manser Churchus, i think my parents hated me, they were like hey Ben your born in east london how can we shit upon you? Give me a hugely posh name, that'll be great, downsides of my name is a can't really be a Muslin, i'm kinda stuck being a christian, the only way i can get more christian is stick Reverend at the front of it. If i walk into a Mosque and there like sorry mate didn't catch your name, they'll probably think i'm taking the piss...

Let me break my name down for you after much googling, and why i was given it:

Benedict: Parents liked the name Ben, disliked Benjamin, thus they gave  Latin for Blessed (Pronounced like the Brian Blessed, Blessed, not the normal i blessed you)

 Manser: Its a family name, mums side of the family from a couple of generations back, dunno why they gave that to me, whereas my brothers middle name is James. It's Hebrew for one who forgets, it's Hebrew for one who forgets, it's Hebrew for.... I'll stop now, i tried to be funny.

Churchus: No idea what language it's from but my last name really doesnt need no explanation to how i accquired it, it apparently is an abbrivation of Church House or something like that, apparently to dude who looks after the church or something.

So my full name translated means the blessed, forgetful, caretaker of the church.

That makes me feel like a someone whose been patted on the head and been told to "Go on clean the church" from an elderly lady with a smile on her face.

That kinda concludes this introduction i'd say, hopefully i'll post again sometime.

This really makes me feel like i'm talking to myself....


  1. mwahahahaha you make me laugh so much:) xx

  2. I laughed at your laugh you typed and thank you for the compliment :)

  3. ahahah it was a balanced number of a's and h's but i assure you it was a genuine laugh:)
