Sunday, August 29, 2010


This isn't really a summing up of my summer, despite how i may talk about it. People tend to think about summer being a magical time of ponies and rainbows because somehow problems go away overnight, suffice to say they haven't and i think thats why those people are summer being "rubbish". As i said in my post about celebrities, people look for ideals but the truth is there is nothing thats ideal. Except a toothpick for when you get meat stuck in your teeth, that's really handy.

My summer has been good, well i think i should say, the past 1 and a half months have been good, i've met some cool people, one in particular is rather intrigued and enjoys me teaching her history. Which is rather unique and i think they told me to start a blog. Well i feel i can be completely myself, which is rather warming i think, showing all my sides to someone and them still talking to me. If i put emoticons in a blog post there'd be a smiley face after that sentence.

I went to a local gig tonight, a couple from groups of people i knew played, and it was a rather good night. I moshed with people, and headbanged. Again met some rather cool people. Tried showing my Harry Potter insult:

"Girl do you play quidditch, because you're sucha seeker!"

It didn't really work (frowney face there).

All in all my summer has been good, and i really appreciate this time i've had, family holidays have been less boresome despite me doing them and being to the said location for the past 7 years.

Stay Golden

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