Sunday, August 22, 2010


I'm not going to lie.

I'm annoyed right now. I have already written this although my browser messed up and i'm writing this again.

Anyhow basically me and a friend wanted to buy Bionicles, which are basically huge lego robot things that are rather immense and i had when i was about 8. Although the Lego shop being the capatilist bastards they are, have ditched the brand. Cocks. They were beautiful, although the younger generation will no doubt reject them cos it seems like 10 year olds prefer playing with fucking ben 10, which is rather lame i must say. Let's be serious a kid who can turn into various aliens is messed up, he must have no self confidence

Whats the matter Ben?

"Oh my god... i just don't know who i am anymore, am i beautiful the way i am? I just feel no one likes me for me, they like XLR8 or Four Arms... I wish i was accepted"

Brownie points for knowing some Ben 10 alien names.

Anyhow so we eventually did find some Bionicles which was cool, in the back of a shop and we were yeah i even think we high fived cos we are that cool. Then another great idea sprang to my mind, we could make them somewhere no one ever went. Waterstones. And thus we did, after much regret from my friend, and then we used the laptops in the apple store like 99% of everyone else in there to take pictures and to put them on facebook.

And we didn't put the pictures up there of our Bionicles fighting cos we knew it'd be immensly cool. Really. And we didn't do it to attract attention. We did it as a declaration of who we are, and what we were, and now what we are.

Because in a day and age where people forget themselves and reinvent themselves every other week, it's good to cherish the experiences you had in your past.

Stay Golden

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